How To Use PingFM For Social Networking Backlinks

How To Use PingFM For Social Networking Backlinks

The one question that every small business owner or internet marketer seem to ask is, "How to leverage social networking without going insane?" Seriously, there are so many to choose from and so little time to actively participate in all of them.
The solution is this is using a free auto-posting service called This handy site allows you to submit status updates, shorter blogs and longer blogs to dozens of the top social networking websites. This post is going to cover the primary advantages to syndicating longer blog posts using

Url Shortening. You can now auto-generate a url in place of a long website. This benefit eliminates the need to visit an additional url-shortening site like or budurl. One trick that many marketers exploit is putting a link to the main blog within the first few sentences.
Doing this increases the chance of that link being viewed and clicked on when appearing in an RSS feed blog summary.
Increasing Blog Title Listings. Instead of solely relying on your primary blog to get ranked, adds at least twenty other possible listings for your blog title. This is important since no one knows for certain which site Google will rank highest. It could be one, two, or even five of your blog posts.

I'd rather submit to all of the sites than play a guessing game to tweak each individual site. Functionally, the submission sites will act as feeders to funnel visitors to my primary blog.
Improving Blog SEO. This requires an extra minute of specialization but it's worth it. Create anchor text with some basic html coding like what is shown in my blog post's YouTube video. Choose a 1-3 word phrase that contains the most relevant keywords related to your topic and what you wish to optimize for future Google searches.

For instance, my hyperlinked anchor text was "DubLi blog", so readers are most likely to find my blog when searching "DubLi blog". This affect is underscored by the fact that's sites not only contain high Google pageranks but most of them are 'dofollow'.
This last point is vital since Google only considers dofollows backlinks in their ranking calculations.
Saving Time. I hinted at this advantage above in describing its more specific benefits. It's undeniable the power that affords to increase social networking productivity in the shortest time possible. Marketers and business owners view time as money. And up until now too many critics abandon social networking and social media due to its time consumption or intangible return. However solves many of these drawbacks thus allowing more time for other marketing efforts.

Ironically, the most time consuming part of the entire service is initially establishing accounts with all the social sites. Each subsequent post takes about three minutes tops!

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